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Trade Commercial Waste and Recycling

We offer a trade (commercial) waste service including general waste, food waste and mixed dry recycling

Changes in legislation mean that all relevant businesses will have to separate their food waste and dry recycling from either March 2025 or March 2026.

We offer advice and collections to help you make sure that your Fenland business remains compliant and recycles as much as possible.

Get ready in time and talk to us now.

Our service

We offer a range of commercial waste services including food waste, mixed dry recycling (plastics, glass, paper and card) along with general waste, for local businesses, schools, charities and community groups.

Our service is competitively priced. Fees are all-inclusive, with no hidden charges or complicated contracts.

We collect a variety of materials for recycling including food, paper, card, plastic, cans and glass. This makes it much easier for you to reduce waste going to landfill.

We offer a range of containers and sacks to meet your needs. Our containers range from 240 litres (4 bin bags) up to 1100 litres (18 bin bags).

If your business produces food or mixed dry recyclables, you may be able to save money by separating these materials and switching to a smaller general waste bin. 

By quote, we can also arrange extra or special waste collections.

Who needs trade waste collections?

'Non-domestic' waste is not removed for free. It is illegal to put it in any household bin, household recycling centre or bring bank.

You must organise a trade waste collection if you are a:

  • commercial business
  • school or club
  • residential care or nursing home
  • doctors' surgery
  • healthcare facility
  • holiday rental property
  • charity shop
  • factory
  • agriculture business
  • public hall; or
  • self-employed or running a business from home

These groups have a 'duty of care' under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. This means:

  • Your waste must be stored and transported securely.
  • From March 2025 food waste and recycling materials must be separated for larger businesses, and March 2026 for all businesses.
  • Your waste must be handled by a licenced waste carrier, such as the Council, and taken to a licenced waste disposal site.
  • You need to retain records of waste collection and transportation for at least 2 years. We can help with this.


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