Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland SPD
The Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland SPD was adopted by Full Council on 24 July 2014
The Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) has been prepared to provide further guidance on a number of policies in the Local Plan, in particular Policy LP16, 'Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments Across the District'.
This SPD provides additional guidance to the Council in making planning decisions on applications. It also provides prospective applicants with the necessary information that they should consider when submitting a planning application.
Adoption of the SPD
We consulted on the Draft Delivering and Protecting High Quality Environments in Fenland SPD between Tuesday 14 January and Monday 24 February 2014.
The SPD was revised following consideration of the comments made during consultation. The revised SPD was presented to Cabinet on 24 July 2014, who recommended adoption of the SPD at Full Council without any further changes to the document. The SPD was adopted by Full Council later that day.