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Listed Buildings

A listed building is a building or structure recognised for its architectural or historic interest

Listed Buildings are protected under the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990. By law, you must get Listed Building Consent if you plan to:

  • extend a listed building
  • alter a listed building
  • demolish a listed building

It is a criminal offence to do these works without the right permissions.

Buildings are listed by Central Government. They are considered on their architectural and/or historic interest. This takes into account:

  • detail
  • design
  • craftsmanship
  • example of type
  • cultural or social relations
  • association with a noted person

Fenland has 648 identified listed buildings and structures. These include houses, churches, bridges, sluices, mileposts, war memorials and warehouses. 

Grades of listed buildings

A listed building/structure can be Grade I, II* or II:

  • Grade I is a building of national interest. They account for 2% of listed buildings.
  • Grade II* is for buildings of particular importance. They are more than just 'special interest' and often have high quality interiors. They account for 4% of listed buildings.
  • Grade II buildings are a major historic quality of our towns, villages and countryside. They account for 94% of all listed buildings.

The grades show the relative importance of the building. Regardless of grade, all listed buildings have equal protection.

Listed buildings in Fenland

In Fenland there are:

  • 10 Grade I buildings
  • 41 Grade II* buildings
  • 597 Grade II buildings

Protection of listed buildings

All of a listed building/structure (inside and out) is protected. This is regardless of its grading.

It is not the case that only the exterior of a Grade II building is protected.

Other structures can be protected alongside the listed building. These include outbuildings, barns, garden walls and boundaries.

This is under the S1 (5) Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Area) Act 1990.

Listed building consent

By law, Listed Building Consent is needed for extension, alteration or demolition works.

An 'alteration' can include internal and external building changes. This includes the wholesale replacement of fabric, such as window replacement. Historic window replacement, even 'like for like', counts as an alteration. This needs Listed Building Consent.

The law doesn't aim to stop residents looking after listed buildings. Small repairs and general maintenance can be done without consent.

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