Gaming Premises Licenses

There are three types of licence that a business owner may require when setting up gambling premises. Your business may need all three

The types of licences are:

  • an operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission
  • a personal management licence issued by the Gambling Commission
  • a personal function licence issued from the Gambling Commission
  • a premises licence issued by the local authority

If you provide facilities for remote gambling (which includes the internet, telephone, television, radio or any other kind of electronic or other technology for facilitating communication), you will need a licence from the Gambling Commission.

Licensing objectives

Any decisions made by either body must be made in accordance with the three licensing objectives. These are:

  • preventing gambling from being a source of crime and disorder
  • ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
  • protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

Apply for a licence

To apply, please complete the relevant form below:

Premises application

Vary application

Transfer application

The notice period for all new, variations and transfer applications is stated in Gambling Act 2005 legislation.

You also need to pay the relevant fee. You can do this online at 

Please email completed forms to You can also post them to the Licensing Department, Fenland District Council, Melbourne Avenue, March, PE15 0EN.

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