Contaminated Land

Contaminated Land is land that poses an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment due to polluting substances that may be present in it

Polluting substances may include gases, chemicals, oil, fuels or asbestos.

We inspect sites to determine whether land is contaminated and ensure action is taken to clean it up if necessary. This involves:

  • determining who is responsible for the clean-up of the land;
  • deciding what remediation is required; and
  • deciding who is responsible for paying for the cost of this work.

The cost of any clean-up typically lies with the polluter of the land. However, where the polluter cannot be identified, landowners or occupiers can be liable.

More information about how we address Contaminated Land can be found in our Contaminated Land Inspection Strategy. 

We ensure that land is fit for development. As part of this, applicants may need to submit information on whether the land in which they would like to develop on poses a risk to future users of the site. Work may be required to remediate the land before any development can take place.

We hold information about current and previous uses of many sites in the district. If you wish to make an enquiry please email 

The Environment Agency also has responsibilities for Contaminated Land. This includes land designated as 'special sites'. More information is available on the Environment Agency's website.

Fenland District Council has a duty to maintain a public register of any sites declared as contaminated land under Section 78R of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Part IIA. There are no entries on the contaminated land register. We do hold a database of historical records and sites that have been identified as having a former potentially contaminative use. An enquiry for information can be made for the information we hold on specific sites and their surrounding area. Where we do hold information for a site, a report can be provided at a cost of £188 per report. A charge is only made if information for a site can be provided.  If you wish to make an enquiry please email

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