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Town centre footfall tripled on Christmas fayre day

Organisers are delighted that town centre footfall figures tripled on the day of Wisbech Christmas Fayre, despite heavy rain leading to an early finish.

Wisbech Christmas Fayre 2023 crowds

Electronic counters at numerous points around the town record how many people pass them on any given day.

On the Sunday before Wisbech Christmas Fayre the counters recorded 7,788. On the day they recorded 24,391.

Wisbech Christmas Fayre 2023 crowds

Cllr Peter Murphy, Fenland District Council portfolio holder for markets and events, said: "We support Wisbech Christmas Fayre and March Event Committee's March Christmas Market precisely because they're wonderful community events and light our towns up with festive spirit.

"It's fabulous to see how popular and valued they are, creating a leisure and shopping opportunity for our residents, income generation for stall holders and town centre traders, a sense of community spirit and wonderful lifelong memories."

Wisbech Christmas Fayre train

Wisbech Christmas Fayre and March Christmas Market, as well as other Fenland District Council supported events, are cultivated over the course of the year. They're the product of extensive partnership working and collaboration.

Fenland District Council has an events officer who dedicates part of her working time throughout the year to supporting March Christmas Market and the Fenland Four Seasons events, which in addition to Wisbech Christmas Fayre, include March's St George's Fayre, in Spring, Chatteris Midsummer Festival and September's Whittlesey Festival.

The council contributes £2,000 to each of the Four Seasons Events and works to ensure the events do not have a further impact on its budget. It provides teams of staff to marshal, steward, troubleshoot and provide street-cleansing services on the day.

Volunteers, sponsors, local businesses, town councils and other community and statutory organisations input funds, effort, hours of time, innovation and passion to make the events thrive each year.

This year's Wisbech Christmas Market, which, alike March Christmas Market, included special events at venues across the town and town centre street entertainment, saw many stalls pack away a little earlier than usual when heavy rain drove most visitors away, though some entertainment continued.

March Xmas Market 2023 kids singing

Cllr Jan French, chair of March Events Committee - the driving force behind March Christmas Market, said: "These are real community events, both in terms of the organisation with so many partners involved and, on the day, when so many come out to enjoy them.

"It's a delight for everyone involved to see people enjoying themselves at the events. Our huge thanks to everyone who supports them in every way.

"Preparations are now well under way for the St George's Festival in March on Sunday, April 21.

"I would like to thank all the local businesses that financially support us throughout the year."

Caterers are booked for all events early in the year. Details of how to book for 2024 will be available soon at: Fenland Events

March Xmas Market 2023 fancy dress

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December 2023

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