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Fence goes up as Whittlesey sports court upgrade begins

An overhaul of the sports court on Manor Field, Whittlesey, is due to begin with work on a replacement fence.

Tennis court Pexels

Fenland District Council is heading a project to overhaul the court in the grounds of Manor Leisure Centre, Station Road. It will be resurfaced, repainted and marked out to be used as either three tennis courts or two netball courts and lighting improved.

Cllr Alex Miscandlon, portfolio holder for leisure, said: "We're delighted work is now beginning to turn this court into a great asset for the people of Whittlesey.

"It'll become a good quality facility for people to use for tennis and netball into the future.

"We'd like to thank all the partners we're working with to get this project moving and to ensure long-term management arrangements of the court."

The project is being supported with grants from Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority and FCC Communities Foundation.

Work on the fencing is due to be complete in November. Lighting improvements are due to follow and resurfacing will be done by Spring.

The project is expected to represent an investment of around £70,000 and is being funded with up to £55,000 from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority Market Towns Programme, with support from a grant from FCC Communities Foundation.

The Combined Authority grant is part of an award of £195k to Fenland District Council for the Whittlesey Town Projects, which also include improvements to Whittlesey marketplace, a heritage library display and improvements to the Manor Leisure Centre solar power system.

Deputy Mayor of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, Cllr Anna Smith, said: "It's great news that work is starting on a project so much at the heart of town life, one that appeals across the generations.

"The Combined Authority is hugely committed to investing in the Fens area generally and the market towns in particular, so supporting Whittlesey in developing community spaces and assets in this way - with an eye to public health and fitness, green energy, and to town history and culture is exactly what we are here for."     

Penny Horne, FCC Communities Foundation grant manager, said: "We're delighted to be supporting the Whittlesey Manor Field Improvements project and pleased our funding will help improve the existing sports facility for people living in Whittlesey and the surrounding area.

"FCC Communities Foundation is always happy to consider grant applications for projects that make a difference to local communities and we're really looking forward to seeing this one take shape soon."

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October 2023

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