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Have your say on where you cast your vote

Fenland residents are being invited to have their say on where they vote in elections by taking part in Fenland District Council's review of polling districts, places and stations.

Ballot box

All local authorities are required by law to review their polling arrangements for Parliamentary Constituencies every five years, with the next compulsory review starting in October 2023.

This latest review is particularly important as it also considers the recent boundary review by The Boundary Commission for England (BCE), which set new parliamentary constituency boundaries.

A public consultation on the review will run from 2 October until 10 November.

Leader of Fenland District Council, Cllr Chris Boden, said: "The Council has a duty to divide its area into polling districts and to designate a polling place for each polling district. We are also required to review these arrangements to ensure everyone has accessible and convenient facilities to vote from.

"Feedback from local communities is vital to this process so I would encourage all to participate and share their views in this current review."

Have your say

Residents are being urged to read the review document and have their say via our Electoral Consultations webpage.

Paper copies of the review document are available to view at:

  • Fenland libraries:
    • Chatteris Library, 2 Furrowfields Road, PE16 6DY
    • March Library, City Road, PE15 9LT
    • Whittlesey Library, 31-35 Market Street, PE7 1BA
    • Wisbech Library, Ely Place, PE13 1EU
  • Boathouse Business Centre, 1 Harbour Square, Nene Parade, Wisbech, PE13 3BH
  • South Fens Business Centre, Fenton Way, Chatteris PE16 6TT

The results of the consultation, together with the final recommendation on the polling districts, polling places and polling stations, will be considered at Full Council on 11 December 2023, with the new polling districts and places coming into effect on 1 February 2024.

Residents are also being reminded that it is time to ensure that their details are up to date on the electoral register.

As part of the Council's Annual Canvass of electors, emails and letters have been sent to every household in Fenland to ask if the details it holds on the register are still accurate. If you're one of the households left to update your information, you may receive a visit from a canvasser who can help you complete the canvass form.

Canvasser visits to non-responding properties will be carried out from Friday, 6 October to Sunday, 5 November.

Every year, by law, the Council must carry out an annual canvass of all residential properties in order to update the electoral register and ensure the correct residents are registered to vote.

Keep up-to-date with Fenland District Council via FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and our newsletter The Fenlander.

October 2023

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