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Wisbech incinerator recommendation to be made to Secretary of State

The Government's Planning Inspectorate has announced that their recommendation on the proposed incinerator facility in Wisbech is set to be made to the Secretary of State by 21 November 2023.

Wisbech Aerial Photo

The recommendation follows a 6-month examination period led by the Planning Inspectorate, during which Fenland District Council set out their opposition to the proposal and presented their case against it.

Medworth CHP Limited's application for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility is considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).

The decision on whether the application is approved will be based on a recommendation from the Planning Inspectorate - an executive agency sponsored by central Government's Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

This decision now rests with the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

A Council spokesperson said: "Fenland District Council fundamentally oppose this incinerator application and we are utilising any and all legal avenues and processes available to continue to fight on behalf of the residents of Wisbech and Fenland as a whole."

In February 2020, members of Fenland District Council wrote to the Energy Secretary making clear their opposition to plans to build an incinerator in Wisbech.

On 7th July 2022, Medworth CHP Limited submitted an application for the development to the Planning Inspectorate.

A series of public hearings were held by the Planning Inspectorate throughout 2023, during which council representatives put forward technical arguments against the proposal.

More information on the application process and Fenland District Council's opposition to the proposal can be found at

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August 2023

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