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No complaints against Fenland District Council upheld

For the fourth year running the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has found 'no fault' with the way Fenland District Council deals with complaints.

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The Ombudsman has written to the Council to confirm that zero per cent of the complaints made against the Council that it investigated in the past year were upheld - compared to an average of 59 per cent for similar organisations.

The Ombudsman looks at individual complaints made against councils and upholds complaints when it finds fault in an organisation's actions.

In the year up to 31 March 2023, the Ombudsman carried out 10 investigations into complaints made against Fenland District Council. None of these complaints were upheld.

Leader of Fenland District Council, Cllr Chris Boden, said: "This is very welcome news and is a tangible reflection of the quality and dedication of our officers and the processes we have in place.

"Customers are at the heart of everything we do at the Council. Our staff are absolutely dedicated to serving customers to the best of their ability, but occasionally things do go wrong despite our best efforts. When this happens, we are committed to putting things right in a transparent and fair manner.

"The Ombudsman's findings show that we are a well-run Council which deals with things properly. If a customer does make a complaint, they can trust us to go through the correct procedures. These findings should give people every confidence that our district council is run effectively and efficiently by staff who genuinely care about the people they serve."

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August 2023

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