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Don't lose your vote - Fenland residents urged to check voter registration details

Fenland residents are being urged to check their electoral registration details or risk losing their chance to vote on decisions that affect them.

Ballot box

Every year, by law, Fenland District Council conducts an Annual Canvass to find out who in a household is eligible to register to vote.

The canvass ensures that the electoral register is up-to-date, by identifying any residents who are not registered to vote so that they can be encouraged to do so, as well as removing the names of electors who no longer live at that address.

The Council will contact households by email and post inviting residents to check and, if necessary, update their electoral registration information.

Not every household will need to respond, but those that are required to do so are encouraged to respond by 30 August 2023 to ensure that the process runs smoothly and to remove the need for reminders and any further contact. Check key dates.

People who have moved address recently are particularly encouraged to keep an eye out for the form and check the details.

A Council spokesperson said: "We want to make sure people are aware of annual canvass correspondence and reassure them that they are not scams, but are an important part of the voting system which should not be ignored.

"It's important that residents keep an eye on their email inbox or letterbox, so we can make sure we have the right details on the electoral register for every address in the district.  It only takes five minutes to confirm the details and update them if necessary."

Where new names are provided through the canvass process, an invitation to register will be sent by post or emailed to those eligible to register to vote.  These names will not be included in the electoral register until the individuals have made successful applications to register to vote.

There is no need to wait for the invitation - any new residents who are eligible to vote should register to vote as soon as possible.

As well as being able to cast your vote in future elections, registering to vote can also help your credit score.

  • For more information contact the Council's elections team via email at: or call 01354 654321.

Key dates

  • Canvass emails sent from 14 July
  • Initial canvass letters delivered from 28 July to 20 August
  • Reminder canvass letters delivered from 5 September
  • Canvasser visits to non-responding properties from 6 October to 5 November

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July 2023

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