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Work on March fountain postponed to protect nesting birds

Planned work to dismantle March's Coronation Fountain as part of the ongoing town centre regeneration has been postponed to protect nesting doves.

Work to carefully remove the Grade II listed fountain was due to begin on Monday, 26 June, ahead of it being stored and later relocated once the town centre works are complete.

However, as Broad Street regeneration contractor Octavius prepared to start work on site last week, workers were alerted that the historic structure is often used by nesting doves and a nest was discovered.

The works will now be rescheduled in a few weeks' time after the young birds have fledged and the nest is no longer in use.

Fenland District Council will work with Octavius to ensure no ecological impact to wildlife is caused by the works.

The project team has already engaged with an independent ecological survey company to undertake a survey of the site within seven days of the birds leaving their nest, to ensure no ongoing impact to wildlife. This report will be published on the Council's website in due course.

A project spokesperson said: "As all bird's nests are protected by law, we are postponing all work on the fountain until after the fledglings have left the nest. We don't want to disturb the birds and will take any necessary steps to ensure they are protected."

The RSPB has also been informed and the area is now being monitored. Work will only recommence on the fountain following completion of the independent ecological survey.

In the meantime, work on other aspects of the town centre regeneration will continue.

For more information see: March regeneration works

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June 2023

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