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Pubs and clubs can stay open later for the coronation weekend

The Government has approved an automatic extension on licensing hours during this weekend's Coronation bank holiday.

Licensing - pint of beer

It allows many premises that would usually have to close at 11pm on Friday 5 May, Saturday 6 May, and Sunday 7 May, to continue licensable activities to 1am the following day.

The extension applies to premises that are already licensed with a terminal hour between 11pm and 1am, with either a premises licence or club premises certificate. 

The extension only applies for the sale of alcohol on the premises, and therefore any premise which is licensed for off-sales only will not benefit.

If a premise is licensed for both on and off sales, the extension only applies for the on-sales permission. All off-sales, including takeaway and deliveries of alcohol, must cease at the normal time. The order also does not extend to beer gardens and terraces that are not part of the licensed area.

Any conditions which are currently on the premises licence will remain in force and should be adhered to including during the extended period.

View details of the full Order: The Licensing Act 2003 (Coronation Licensing Hours) Order 2023

 takes place on Saturday 6 May.

For more information on licensing see our licensing page.

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May 2023

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