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Hearings into proposed 'Wisbech Incinerator'

The Government's Planning Inspectorate has announced initial hearings over the proposed 'Wisbech Incinerator' will take place this month - with a deadline to register to speak and attend on Thursday (Feb 9).

Wisbech Aerial Photo

Medworth CHP Limited application for an Order Granting Development Consent for the Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility is considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).

The decision on whether it is approved rests with a Government secretary of state.

The decision on whether the application is approved will be based on a recommendation from the Planning Inspectorate - an executive agency sponsored by central Governments Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Fenland District Council is opposed to the plan and is robustly presenting the case against it. A council representative will be speaking at the forthcoming hearing to put the planning arguments against the proposal.

The Planning Inspectorate has alerted individuals and organisations who have already registered as an 'interested party' to the forthcoming hearings.

The Planning Inspectorate's deadline to register to participate in the hearings is 11.59pm on Thursday (Feb 9). Those who wish to attend are also advised to register by that time. Capacity for in-person attendance will be limited.

The Planning inspectorate has said a link to the livestreams and recordings will be made available on the 'Wisbech incinerator' project webpage.

The Planning Inspectorate has said the majority of the decision process will be based on written submissions.

A Preliminary Meeting, to determine how the application should be examined, will be held from 10am on Tuesday 21 February at the Boathouse Business Centre in Wisbech. Views for or against the application will not be heard at the preliminary hearing. The merits or disadvantages of the application will only be considered once the Examination starts, which is after the Preliminary Meeting has closed.

Further meetings will take place at the Boathouse Business Centre, Wisbech, and online in the following days to allow registered interested parties who have submitted a request to be heard at a hearing to speak.

Hearings will be:

  • Wednesday 22nd February from 10am (capacity limited, online links available)
  • Wednesday 22nd February from 6pm (capacity limited, online links available)
  • Thursday 23rd February from 10am (capacity limited, online links available)

In person attendance capacity will be limited at the venue. Registering to attend in advance is strongly advised.

The Planning Inspectorate has up to six months to carry out the examination of the application. The Planning Inspectorate must then prepare a report on the application to the relevant Secretary of State, including a recommendation, within three months of the close of the six month examination stage.

The relevant Secretary of State then has a further three months to make the decision on whether to grant or refuse development consent.

Once a decision has been issued by the relevant Secretary of State, there is a six week period in which the decision may be challenged in the High Court. 

February 2023

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