Fenland Cycling, Walking and Mobility Aid Improvement Strategy

A strategy to improve cycling, walking and mobility access across the district was approved by Fenland District Council Cabinet on 3 October 2022.

This strategy is a long-term plan to deliver significant improvements to the walking and cycling network across Fenland.

It was developed by the Council with support from the Hereward Community Rail Partnership and the Fenland Transport and Access Group.

Significant numbers of local people also responded to two public consultation exercises, one in 2021 and a second in early 2022.

This strategy is a medium to long term plan that will deliver a core network of walking and cycling routes.

Aim of the Strategy

To achieve a greater level of walking and cycling for people of all ages and abilities across Fenland. This will be achieved through the development of a safe and integrated route network focusing on access between and into the market towns, improving safety in both towns and villages and connecting strategic corridors between major settlements.

Objectives of the Strategy

  • Place - Create the best conditions and infrastructure for walking, cycling and mobility aid use across Fenland, particularly for access to places of education, employment, health care and essential services.
  • People - Ensure everyone (all ages and abilities) has access to good quality routes that feel safe, giving them confidence to make walking and cycling their first choice for local journeys.
  • Promotion - Aid and encourage opportunities for access and mobility through a range of methods that demonstrate freedom, health and wellbeing through local travel.

Development of a cycling and walking network

The strategy includes a series of priority projects for delivery and recommendations for schemes in the towns, villages and for strategic core routes that will provide connectivity across Fenland. These can be viewed within the strategy document and its appendices (available to view and download at the top right of this page).

These routes will be developed over time, mostly in partnership with other organisations. As more funding is secured, we aim to progress more projects.

Updates will be provided on a 12-month basis.

To provide your views and feedback about walking and cycling in Fenland please complete the online survey.

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