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Fenland and HSE team up to make sure businesses are COVID-secure

Fenland District Council's COVID and Environmental Health teams have teamed up with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to give local businesses extra support with their COVID-secure measures.

HSE Spot Check

Starting from today, Monday 10 May, HSE officers will be carrying out business support spot checks to make sure local businesses have the right COVID safety measures in place and provide guidance and advice wherever needed.

The work, part of a national HSE programme with councils across the country, will help efforts to keep coronavirus rates as low as possible and support the local public health authority in understanding any patterns in confirmed coronavirus cases in the area.

Cllr Samantha Hoy, Fenland District Council's Cabinet member for Environmental Health, said: "The vast majority of Fenland's businesses have done a magnificent job of following the government guidance and gone the extra mile to continue supplying goods and services in what has been an incredibly challenging period.

"We have been working with businesses throughout the pandemic, providing advice as needed and supporting them to put the right precautions in place. There have been some exemplar efforts, however businesses do have a responsibility to continually review whether their processes are fit for purpose to keep their staff, customers and visitors safe."

"This new project with the HSE will help us to ensure this good work continues and build consumer confidence as coronavirus restrictions continue to ease. By making sure that businesses have measures in place to manage the risks, both our health and the economy benefit."

The focus of the project will initially be on warehousing, distribution, and transport businesses in Fenland, although all businesses are in scope for spot checks, meaning businesses of any size, in any sector can be contacted to ensure they are COVID-secure.

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