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Wisbech Area Transport Study

This study provides evidence on the transport implications of growth for the area in and around Wisbech including the A47

This page provides details of transport and traffic evidence with the most recent study having completed in March 2015. The Wisbech Area Transport Study was completed between 2008 and 2013. It includes the results of the study work in a series of documents and reports.  As part of the study a traffic model was built to test different scales of housing and job growth.  This information provided here about the study is to show how the traffic model was build and also to show the results of the testing.  In order to address the transport issues raised by growth a Wisbech Transport Mitigation Strategy was developed and also tested to ensure issues could be addressed, the results of this work are also listed here.

An explanatory note can be found in the links on the of the page.  This technical note explains the documents that form part of the study and is a helpful guide to working your way through the extensive material that has been produced.

The other related attachments are as follows:

Technical Note A - A summary of the original traffic modelling for this study undertaken in 2009

Technical Note B - Analysing the future year trip distribution. This note contains the results of further analysis that was undertaken on the traffic modelling that forms part of technical note A.

Technical Note C - Public Transport Choice Modelling

Technical Note D - Traffic modelling results from 2011 based on the Shaping Fenland's Future Options

Technical Note E - Traffic modelling results from February 2012 based on the Neighbourhood Planning Options

Technical Note F - Traffic modelling results from December 2012 which includes the Neighbourhood Planning Options from Technical Note E and the solutions set out in the Wisbech Transport Mitigation Strategy (See Technical Note G)

Technical Note G - The Wisbech Transport Mitigation Strategy - setting out the options that have been considered to address the transport issues associated with housing and employment development in Wisbech.

Technical Note H - Traffic modelling results from August 2013 focusing on options for the location of 550 homes around Wisbech. These homes will be located in the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk area.

Technical Note I - 2014 traffic modelling showing the results of the sensitivity testing. This testing focused on the effects of longer distance journeys and loading additional traffic onto the A47.

Wisbech Traffic Modelling Update and Test March 2015 - This work update the results of the Wisbech Area Transport Study after the adoption of the Fenland Local Plan (May 2014). The results include the details of the testing with all the latest development information.

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