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Consultation on Proposed Modifications to the Core Strategy

We consulted on the Proposed Modifications from 14 January 2014 to 5pm on 24 February 2014

As part of the examination process, which continues, Fenland District Council has prepared a number of suggested changes to the plan, known as 'proposed modifications'. These modifications fall into two types: 'minor modifications', which if implemented would not significantly change the meaning of the Core Strategy and generally cover typographical errors or factual updates. However, the second type known as 'main modifications' are more substantial in that, for example, they would change the meaning of a policy or proposal in the plan.

The Inspector asked that the latest schedule of 'main modifications' be subject to a six week period of consultation: this consultation ran from 14 January 2014 to 5pm on 24 February 2014. The Inspector will consider all comments made on these main modifications prior to issuing her final recommendations in the form of an Inspector's Report.

In addition to the 'main modifications' the Council also consulted on a separate schedule of 'minor modifications'. However, comments on these 'minor modifications' will not be considered by the Inspector as she is only concerned with 'main modifications'. 

What happens next?

The consultation on the proposed main and minor modifications has now closed and the Inspector will now consider all representations made in relation to the main modifications, on top of all other duly made representations received to date on the Core Strategy, as part of her examination of the plan. She has indicated that her final Inspector's Report will be sent to the Council by mid March 2014. The Council will publish her Inspector's Report on our webpages. The intention thereafter will be for a full meeting of the Council to consider the recommendations contained within the Inspector's Report and decide whether to accept them, and if so amend the Core Strategy accordingly and adopt the plan.

Please note that Fenland District Council supports all of the main modifications. However, it will be for the Inspector to decide which of them should be included in her final Inspector's Report. The Inspector may also include additional main modifications (i.e. in addition to the ones listed in the Fenland District Council endorsed schedule) in her Inspector's Report.

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